  • 25 years
  • The largest selection
    of chairs in Lithuania
  • to 5 years
  • Delivery from
    1 business day
  • Salon Network
    in Lithuania

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Delivery and return


Upon receiving the payment, the order will be sent within the deadline specified in the product description. Goods will be delivered to you in Lithuania and to some foreign countries by the parcel service.

If you did not receive the ordered goods or delayed payment after the deadline, please contact us by email or phone.

Important notice: Please indicate your address correctly when you register, or later, before ordering the goods. Particularly important is the exact postal code of the new system (LT-XXXXX), find it in the nearest post office or on the website of the Lithuanian Post. When registering, please provide personal information in a correct and orderly way – in capital letters, with Lithuanian characters, punctuation marks, correct abbreviations – g. / reg etc.

Vardenis Pavardenis
Žinomoji g. 4-12, Ašmena
Kėdainių raj., LT-45608
Tel. nr.: 865701012

In case of inaccuracies in the address you specify, we cannot accept liability for lost mail.

P.S. we can also deliver goods to other countries (England, Ireland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden, etc.), but before making such an order you have to reconcile (delivery, payment) by e-mail. with Marketing managers individually.

Product Warranties and Returns

All the goods are provided with a manufacturer’s warranty, the terms and conditions of which are found in the product descriptions and warranty vouchers. The manufacturer’s warranty obligations are valid only if the conditions for collecting and using the product are not violated. If the warranty period has expired, the product is not accepted for warranty repair. The repair is performed according to the manufacturer’s service documentation.

Before assembling the furniture, please read the instructions very carefully.

Quality furniture can only be returned within the legal timeframe and only in accordance with the above requirements. In this case, you will pay the cost of returning the product.

In accordance with the “Rules for Return and Replacement of Goods” approved by June 29 Order of the Minister of Economy No. 217, inappropriate furniture is replaced by similar ones that suit you.

Replacement or return goods must meet the following criteria:

Each returned item must be in original and undamaged packaging;

The goods must not be used;

Goods must not be damaged;

the returned goods must be complete and have a commercial appearance (undamaged labels, uncoated protective films, etc.);
You can find a list of non-refundable goods in 2012 March 15 Order No. 4-243 (Official Gazette, 2012, No. 34-1637) on the Approval of Rules for Return and Replacement of Items.

Returns are delivered to:

UAB “Musonas”

Plentog. 6, Užliedžių km., Kauno raj. LT54305

After the seller receives the returned goods and the quality of the goods is returned, the amount of money for the price of the goods is refunded within 15 days after the goods are received. The amount paid for the delivery of the goods is not returned to the Buyer. If a gift voucher has been paid for the item, it is a refundable coupon and an additional amount paid. Gift vouchers are not exchanged for cash.

The Seller has the right not to accept the goods returned by the Buyer if the Buyer fails to comply with the established return procedure.

Please note that:

The manufacturer’s warranty does not cover natural wear parts of furniture.

It is not possible to return high quality furniture.

Once the furniture has been assembled in violation of the instructions and there is a broke, furniture cannot be returned.

The amount paid for the delivery of the goods is not refunded to the Buyer. Gift vouchers are not exchanged for cash.

The Seller has the right not to accept the goods returned by the Buyer if the Buyer fails to comply with the established return procedure.

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