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Akustinės sienelės PriviAkustinės sienelės Privi


Privi – a line of mobile panels and office walls that do not need to be installed. These stylish walls will not only reduce the noise emitted in the room, but will also give privacy to everyone, even in a large open space. Acoustic walls Privi is a modern solution that will help you to perform everyday work in a comfortable environment, adapted to individual human needs and hobbies.

For more detailed information, please contact info@musonas.lt

Tel. no. +37065591122

Weight 30 kg

Lets meet Privi – a line of mobile panels and office walls that do not need to be installed. It is a modern, up-to-date solution for those who want privacy in any space. Acoustic walls Privi will not provide good sound insulation between several workplaces, and also will be good decorations in your office. Even in open space, these acoustic walls will give everyone personal privacy. It will also reduce noise in the environment and allow you to see and communicate with colleagues. The Privi acoustic walls are mobile, can be moved from one place to another, and do not require special equipment. You will be able easily move them by yourself!

Acoustic solutions | Musonas – office furniture experts since 1991

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Privi mobile walls Lamella

The lamella wall consists of an HDF panel with a thickness of 2.5 mm. The total thickness of the panel is 10 mm. This wall is completely upholstered in tapestry, glued with foam on the inside of the panel. At the top there is a vertical seam at the folds, the width of the slats is 110 mm. At the bottom of the wall are transparent plate holders that ensure the stability of the plate. Lamella wall design allows to use several flexible shape changes according to various needs of the user:

Acoustic wall Privi1
Privi Lamella Mobile Panel1 1200X445
Privi Lamella Mobile Panel2 1200×445
Acoustic wall Privi3
Privi Lamella Mobile Panel3 1200×445
Acoustic wall Privi5
Privi Lamella Mobile Panel4 1750×445

Privi Classic walls

Placed on a table, no installing required. At the bottom of the wall there are transparent brackets to ensure the stability of the wall. Wall thickness 10 mm. Classic U-shaped mobile walls:

Privi wall5
Privi Classic U1 500x2x350x445
Privi mobile walls4
Privi Classic U2 800x2x500x545

Privi Classic L

Classic L-shaped mobile walls:

Privi acoustic walls6
Privi Classic L1 1200x500x545
Privi acoustic wall7
Privi Classic L2 1200x500x545

Privi Classic Z

Classic Z-shaped mobile walls:

Privi acoustic wall8
Privi Classic Z1 500x2x350x445
Privi mobile wall9
Privi Classic Z2 800x2x500x545

Acoustic walls Lamella

The lamella wall consists of an HDF board with a thickness of 2.5 mm. The total thickness of the plate is 10 mm. This wall is completely upholstered in tapestry, glued with foam on the inside of the panel. At the top there is a vertical seam at the folds, the width of the slats is 110 mm. The wall legs are made of 12 mm steel pipe and sheet with a thickness of 5 mm. Lamella wall designed so you would have a chance to change it in a few forms,  suit the user’s needs:

Lamella wall1
Privi Lamella Wall 1 2200×1370
Lamella wall2
Privi Lamella Wall 2 2200×1370
Lamella Wall3
Privi Lamella Wall U 3200×1370
Lamella Wall4
Privi Lamella Wall 3 3200×1370

Privi Lamella Wall steel bracket.

Privi panel storage rack





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